MJM Receivables Management Collection Agency

What We Do

Diplomatic Arbitration:
Utilizing the level of strategy tailored to each account as specified by you, we work with your debtor to resolve their financial obligations. This approach safeguards your company’s reputation, as compared to the damage caused by overly aggressive, hostile or illegal collection practices. We are a fully bonded agency and follow all FDCPA laws and regulations.
Legal Network:
If our collection efforts do not result in a repayment agreement, the account is placed with one of our Partner Law Firms serving the area with legal jurisdiction for that specific debt. Our unique communication services allow you to receive real-time updates and reports on any pending legal action.
Debtor Evaluation:
Upon entering a collections agreement, we look at each debtor and debt(s) to determine the probability of collecting. This likelihood is premised upon factors such as; age of debt, debtor’s current financial state, debtor assets, if an insurance or bonding company was involved, if debtor owns a franchise, is a sub-contractor or answers to an authority figure in the process of running their business.
We also determine if other debts which supersede our client’s debt (such as tax liens, or unpaid Income Taxes). There is also a myriad of additional factors which are unique to any specific debt and debtor.
Accounts Receivable Management:
One of our core competencies is managing your (in house collections) accounts-receivable, from start of collections through receipt of the final payment. We handle all collection’s-related bookkeeping, so it never confuses nor interferes with our client’s books. This is a flat rate fee service that allows our clients to focus on growing their business while we manage the accounts receivable portfolio.
Consulting Services:
We offer Consulting Services for Accounts Receivable, In-house Collections and Back-Office Functions. This service includes understanding the credit & collections process, developing a credit & collections policy and procedure for your business as well as sharpening your AR teams collection skills through written and verbal communication with past due accounts.